Precoro has delivered on so many of our requirements and continues to adapt to our needs. The support team is great, and thanks for being so responsive and able to guide us properly. Precoro is a great tool, almost flawless, and very easy to use. It is also good that Precoro allows tracking of vendor payments so that we can monitor all related operations in the smallest detail. After obtaining approval, we can send a purchase request, update the status, and confirm the date of arrival of the materials on the site. It is easy to send requests to get quotes and also send them to the responsible members to choose the appropriate ones. Much appreciated Precoro's records include all submission and approval dates as well as notes taken by all parties. It's great how Precoro tools enable us to track purchases in full detail, from the approval stage of materials to the delivery of materials to the site. Using Precoro helped us to organize and manage the process of approving materials, preparing requisitions, and tracking approvals through all stages, and the automation available in Precoro helped us to complete all these jobs as well as obtain comprehensive records and reports with minimal effort. More robust reporting, particularly around budgets would be welcome. For invoice syncing, it would be helpful if documents copies would also sync back to Netsuite. This limitation prevents us from fully leveraging Precoro for our inventory related purchasing. I understand there is a one document sync limit to Netsuite and we elected to to have invoices as our syncing document. I really wish we were able to sync POs, invoice and receipts to NS. In either case, we get the same level of attention. Some are user errors, some are system issues. Customer Service - and team have been amazing in helping us work through issues. Flexibility in configuring approval workflows 3. Precoro has provided us with an uplift in that respect. We also didn't have a great way to measure budget vs actual spend on our construction projects. We did not have a procurement process or ability to approve invoices in a systematic way.