It could definitely use a redesign for better usability. Also, for a tool meant to help debloat things, its UI is rather cluttered and bloated(pun intended). Télécharger Windows 11 Debloater 1.9.1 Windows 11 Debloater 1.9.1 Télécharger Évaluer: 5 2 Voted Système opérateur: Windows Classer: Mise à jour: Posté par: FreeTimeTech Taille: 0. This is still a tool that is meant for advanced and experienced users, though, so exercise caution when making changes.

To make it a little easier for you, each option comes with an explanation to let you know what it does. Homepage : To view the content, you need to Sign In or Register. They cover various aspects of the OS, including UWP apps, privacy & telemetry, gaming, and many others. Update v1.9.1 Add more option for Fine-tuning debloater, added Edit mode for Advanced Debloater and fixed some bugs. There are 14 categories available as of this writing. If you've used a debloater utility before, some of the options offered here will be familiar to you. Windows 11 Debloater serves as a front-end graphical user interface on top of what is much of the same tools and scripts used for Windows 10. Enter Windows 11 Debloater to tackle Microsoft's latest and greatest. With Windows 11, people were hoping for a leaner and cleaner OS this time around, but that is not really the case. If you're a Windows 10 user, you know that the operating system is far from perfect and needs some tweaking to make it perform better and faster, giving rise to the popularity of "debloater" utilities in recent years.